


Lutsinarkahh saya?

Apa kurangnya saya, berbanding dia?

Tapi apa yang pasti, kelebihannya tak mampu saya tandingi.


Maaf, mungkin ini masanya saya mengundur diri.
Mencari ubat untuk luka di hati.
Saya sudah puas mengharap. Sudah penat mencuba.
Terasa rendahnya diri ini, demi sesuap cinta awak.

Saya harus mula mencintai diri ini dengan lebih lagi.

Terima kasih awak.

Awak banyak mematangkan saya dalam cinta.

Ia indah tapi terlalu banyak yang perlu ditempuhi.
Mungkin ini bukan masa untuk saya lagi.


long ago..

it takes me more than a year. > 1 year ++
to know to notice and to believe myself that I don't need my ex in my life anymore.
a long time right? surelyy my heart had broken till small pieces that I had to put so many works to glue it back. However, it is not the same.

I realized those few early month, I am missing him uncontrollably.
LI am not only lose him, I lose a part of me. Separuh jiwaku pergi.
And to get it back now alas, this October will be two years of the break up.
Hurm, many bittersweet had I gone thru, met many friends on my way up and down.
the climbs, the scratch will still stay in my heart.

then I met up some friends. do the routine that I usually do with my ex. texting, emailing, face-booking and calling. it works. how pathetic I am to realized that I just miss the routine. not him !

everyone don't want to be replaced. but actually they are the one who replaces their self. if you dont want to be replaces by anyone then work hard to stay.
people come and go. but the moments they left will always stay. it is up to us to keep them or not.

ini laguku.

Ku tak selalu berdiri
Terkadang hidup memilukan
Jalan yang ku lalui
Untuk sekadar bercerita

Pegang tanganku ini
Dan rasakan yang ku derita

Apa yang kuberikan
Tak pernah jadi kehidupan
Semua yang kuinginkan
Menjauh dari kehidupan

Tempatku melihat di balik awan
Aku melihat di balik hujan
Tempatku terdiam tempat bertahan
Aku terdiam di balik hujan...

by Shauqi Afrah



Rasa dipinggirkan.
Bila dia ada kawan baru.
Tapi itu perasaan aku saja and aku tahu kenegatifan aku terlampau tinggi.
Menangis. Sudah beberapa kali hampir banjir kawasan Kelantan.
Susah bila kau dah rapat sangat dengan somebody.

Dia comfort me. And tell the exact thruth.
There is nothing changing between us. Just they are now friend.
Just attentionnya beralih sedikit kepada si kawan baru. :)
Aku cemburu. Sebab merasa dia melebihkan layanan kepada si kawan baru itu.
Sebelum nie, I got all the attention. All the glances and voices.
Now, hurmm.

Hopes that things not going worst.
Coz I am going in make a situation bitter.
I want this friendship keep going strong.
Because both of them is the person I heart.
Surely lost one of them will make me get doomed.

I want to be perfect.

Good evening ladies and gentleman.

Aku nak kurus. I means slim and SKINNY. Bukankah perfect girl ialah mereka yg bersaiz 0 dengan ukuran badan 36-26-36? Banyak usaha yang perlu dilakukan untuk aku mencapai ukuran tuh. And you know what. Itu azam aku. I am going to get that measurement starting ermm like 3 weeks ago?

Kronologi berat aku bermula lepas SPM berat aku naik mendadak. Dari 51 Kg to 61kg. 10 kg in advance plus holiday. but masuk matrik berat aku turun 3 kg . holiday tunggu result matrix and masuk U naik lagi 63kg. itu agak bahaya bagi aku yg hanya 159cm. sudah overweight. And now 5 month to spend during the holiday doing nothing except house chores including cleaning, cooking and kemas rumah thing and online i am going to get an increased of weight and I am not going to let that thing happen. not when i am still Alive.

Berat aku takleyh lebih daripada rekod lame that's is 63kg. I need to lose weight and I would kill to do it. *semangat.
I am obsessing about it since the holidays going to start. I make up my mind and niat yang aku bukan saja akan kurus with a slimmer figure and decreased in weight but healthier. thus, my journey begin. bdw guys can tolerate when it comes to girl's height but not a girl's weight. damn it stab me.

I thought that it is going great, yes i lose 3kg, now my current weight is 56kp in 2 weeks. but it is only my thought, i know i am doing it in a bad way. I should only lose 1 kg per week. I skipped meal, no lunch or dinner. I disturb my food schedule's. I ate breakfast at 11am so that I won't be hungry and cravin for lunch or tea time.

My breakfast usually consist of kokocrunch, plain water or 2 pieces of bread with milo. it is enough to make me not starving till the end of the day. I drinks lot of water, to keep up my freshness as i am exercising. Jogging, dancing, up down the stairs and running using the treadmill in my house. 2 hours per day. I takes 300kalory per meal that is more than enough compared to the normal model.

I don't want to be a model and takes only 300kalory for a day. that's only can be done by eating a piece of chewing gum. I know I am doing it wrong but I just want to be thin. Obsessing over it since looking into my high school friend picture that's become slimmer day by day. My self esteem going down. I just want to be thin and I going to try anything to get 48kg ! in 4 month i need to lose another 13 kg. I can do it. I NEED to succeed. By hook or crook. I am willing to sacrifice not eating all the delicacies or sweet dessert as long as I am getting thinner.

Hurm just hoping my parent wont notice I wasn't eating. Or else I need to faking it. I can just pretending to eat in a smaller portion then need to vomit and I am safe from increased in weight. I just want to be less in weight. just that. and it is my priority now.

IPTA - 3 tahun lepas.

Hari nie keputusan IPTA keluar untuk calon SPM 2010/2011.
Sayu kejap. 
Tahan air mata dari turun ke pipi. Dah 3 tahun rupanya.
Rasa baru je susah payyah berulit dengan buku *konon*
Padahal, main banyak gila.
Darah muda, merah cantik lagi,
sibuk bercinta. Naifnya time tuh.
Sosial dengan kawan-kawan tak ingat dunia.
Sebulan dua sebelum SPM menjelma baru insaf. 
Sebab motivasi tiap2 hari ada. Ingat mak ayah apa semua.
Nie yang tangkap leleh. 

TIme tuh jugak betulkan niat,
kita belajar kerana Allah.
Bukan sebab nak pass flying colour banggakan mak ayah.
Ya Allah, hipokritnya diri.
Time nie doa panjang kemain lagi, solat nie tak tinggal + sunat hajat ada semua.
*time nak exaaaaammmmmmm*
subuh apa lagi kul 5.30 pagi dah tercongok depan sejadah. Tunggu imam bilal azan.
Hari lain?



no more silent treatment.
both can't stand it.
he needs me.
and I need to support him,
no matter what.

that's what a friend for right?
yes he do say
I love you.
and I know he mean it.

He loves his friends very much.
And he treated us all the best he can.

Plus with his tongue that can melts one's heart,
who can resist him?
Awh, he such a boy.