
long ago..

it takes me more than a year. > 1 year ++
to know to notice and to believe myself that I don't need my ex in my life anymore.
a long time right? surelyy my heart had broken till small pieces that I had to put so many works to glue it back. However, it is not the same.

I realized those few early month, I am missing him uncontrollably.
LI am not only lose him, I lose a part of me. Separuh jiwaku pergi.
And to get it back now alas, this October will be two years of the break up.
Hurm, many bittersweet had I gone thru, met many friends on my way up and down.
the climbs, the scratch will still stay in my heart.

then I met up some friends. do the routine that I usually do with my ex. texting, emailing, face-booking and calling. it works. how pathetic I am to realized that I just miss the routine. not him !

everyone don't want to be replaced. but actually they are the one who replaces their self. if you dont want to be replaces by anyone then work hard to stay.
people come and go. but the moments they left will always stay. it is up to us to keep them or not.

1 comment:

Anisa Hang Tuah said...

i lost him 2 years ago.

but,sometimes i miserably missed him once in a while.

i tell you,

it’s never easy when losing someone i once thought i could spend the rest of my life with.
